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Fray Bentos

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Oficinas de cambio de moneda en Montevideo

currency exchange office of Global Exchange, located at Carrasco International Airport, in Montevideo (Uruguay)

International Arrivals - Public Area

International Arrivals - Public Area

Payment with Visa and Mastercard credit or debit card - Currency exchange

Cómo llegar a la oficina

Office with two access points: one in the public hall of the international arrivals area of the airport and the other after passing through customs control.
Open all year round, 24 hours.

Carrasco International Airport
Foreign currency exchange office of Global Exchange located at Carrasco International Airport, in Montevideo (Uruguay)

International Arrivals - Passengers Only Area

International Arrivals - Passengers Only Area

Currency exchange - Payment with Visa and Mastercard credit or debit card

Cómo llegar a la oficina

In the international arrivals area, in the passengers-only zone, next to the baggage collect belts.
Open all year round, 24 hours.

Carrasco International Airport
Global Exchange foreign currency exchange office located at Carrasco International Airport, Montevideo (Uruguay)

International Departures - Next to McCafé

International Departures - Next to McCafé

Currency exchange - Payment with Visa and Mastercard credit or debit card

Cómo llegar a la oficina

In the public hall of international departures, opposite the check-in counters in the east wing.
Open all year round, 24 hours.

Carrasco International Airport
Foreign currency exchange office of Global Exchange located at Carrasco International Airport, Montevideo (Uruguay)

International Departures - Next to Starbucks

International Departures - Next to Starbucks

Currency exchange - Payment with Visa and Mastercard credit or debit card

Cómo llegar a la oficina

In the public hall of international departures, opposite the check-in counters in the west wing.
Open all year round, 24 hours.

Carrasco International Airport

Oficinas de cambio de moneda en Colonia

Global Exchange foreign currency exchange office located in Uruguay.

Colonia Barrio Histórico

Colonia Barrio Histórico

Currency exchange

Cómo llegar a la oficina

Cómo llegar a la oficina, por calle Manuel Lobo, esquina Ituzaingó pegada a la puerta de la cuidad vieja, acceso peatonal.
Abierto todo el año. Horario: 11:00 - 21:00.

Galerías de la ciudadela, Miguel A. Odriozola 217, local 3, Colonia del Sacramento.

Oficinas de cambio de moneda en Fray Bentos

Global Exchange foreign currency exchange office on the Libertador Bridge in Uruguay.

Puente Fray Bentos

Puente Fray Bentos

Currency exchange - Payment with Visa and Mastercard credit or debit card

Cómo llegar a la oficina

Ubicado en el paso fronterizo Puente Internacional Fray Bentos. Por la ruta 2 "Grito de Asencio", yendo hacia Argentina, antes de cruzar la aduana, a mano derecha, junto al Duty Free Fray Bentos.
Abierto todo el año. Horario: 6:30 - 22:30

Grito de Asencio (Ruta 2) 65000, Apto 002. Fray Bentos, Río Negro.

Oficinas de cambio de moneda en Maldonado

Global Exchange foreign currency exchange office located at Punta del Este International Airport (Uruguay)

International Arrivals - Public Area

International Arrivals - Public Area

Payment with Visa and Mastercard credit or debit card - Currency exchange

Cómo llegar a la oficina

In the public arrivals hall, next to the passenger arrival gate.
Open all year round. During commercial flight hours.

Punta del Este International Airport

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